Friday 13 March 2009


I spilt my breakfast on me this morning before I had even had a chance to start eating it. Grrrrr. So now I'm going out for breakkie. Even though I really can't afford it, due to my spending diet I've decided I need to be on. But it was such a good breakfast - avocado on toast. And my legs are burnt from the hot water that I was about to turn into coffee. So of course I dropped it all in front of one of my housemates. He just looks at me and is like, "You alright?" Yep. I'm fine. Just burnt. And cranks.

I get my results at 11:15 this morning. Last night was so worried. I was trying to do some readings for uni and did nothing because my stomach kept churning, so I kidnapped Michael and had a second dinner complete with CAKE. I think cake is essential for when you are freaking out about something. It'll probably end up being nothing.

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